Experience Smooth, Hair-Free Skin With Our Laser Hair Removal Treatment

Laser180 provides effective laser hair removal in Latrobe, PA. Say goodbye to the hassle of shaving, waxing, and plucking and hello to silky-smooth skin that lasts. Our advanced laser technology and experienced technicians are here to help you achieve your hair removal goals with precision and care. Contact us today at 724-691-7370 to schedule your consultation and start your journey towards smoother skin.

Our Permanent Hair Removal Process

At Laser180, we utilize the cutting-edge Astanza MeDioStar laser for our hair removal treatments. This state-of-the-art laser technology delivers exceptional results by targeting hair follicles at their root, inhibiting future hair growth. The MeDioStar laser has a specialized cooling system to ensure maximum comfort during treatment, making it suitable for all skin types.

Certified Laser Technicians

During your laser hair removal session, our certified technicians will carefully assess your skin and hair type to determine the optimal settings for your treatment. The laser emits pulses of light energy that the melanin in the hair follicles absorbs, effectively destroying them without damaging the surrounding skin. Over time, treated hair follicles will shed, resulting in smoother, hair-free skin.

Custom Hair Removal Procedures

The number of treatments required varies depending on hair color, thickness, and the treatment area. Typically, sessions several weeks apart are recommended to achieve the best results. Our team will work with you to create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your needs and goals.

The Hair Growth Cycle

Understanding the hair growth cycle is essential for effective laser hair removal. Hair follicles go through three main stages: anagen (growth phase), catagen (transitional phase), and telogen (resting phase). Laser hair removal is most effective during the anagen phase when the hair follicle is actively growing and contains the highest amount of melanin. Since not all hair follicles are in the same phase simultaneously, multiple treatments are necessary to target them during the anagen phase and achieve optimal results.

The Astanza MeDioStar

At Laser 180, we utilize the Astanza MeDioStar laser for cutting-edge laser hair removal treatments. The MeDioStar system boasts superior diode laser technology, offering unmatched, long-lasting results in permanent hair reduction. With two wavelengths, 810 nm, and 940 nm, this system ensures optimal melanin absorption while safeguarding surrounding skin tissue, effectively treating even the deepest hair follicles, and ensuring safety for all skin types, including newly tanned skin.

Our MeDioStar laser is equipped with a flexible handpiece, allowing for precise treatment on various body parts, including delicate areas like the face, bikini, neck, and hands. Additionally, the handpiece features an integrated cooling system that minimizes discomfort, soothes the skin before each treatment pulse, and reduces the risk of unwanted thermal injury.

Laser 180 utilizes single-use protection caps for each treatment to maintain hygiene and safety standards. For the most effective hair removal results in Latrobe, PA, contact Laser 180 today and experience the industry-leading MeDioStar laser firsthand!

Frequently Asked Laser Hair Removal Questions

  • Who Can Get Laser Hair Removal?

    Anyone with unwanted hair! Laser hair removal suits both men and women across various body parts. Our advanced Astanza MeDioStar diode laser is designed to treat all skin types, including newly tanned skin. Clients with lighter skin and darker hair types typically experience faster, more effective results due to the contrast of melanin in their skin and hair.

  • Which Areas of the Body Can Be Treated?

    We offer laser hair removal for all body areas, including the bikini and face. Popular treatment areas include the legs, arms, back, chest, upper lip, and underarms.

  • How Many Treatments Will I Need?

    Most clients require a minimum of 6 to 12 treatments 4 to 8 weeks apart for permanent hair reduction. This waiting period ensures that each hair is targeted during the anagen phase when hair is actively growing.

  • Is the Laser Safe?

    Absolutely! Our laser is FDA-approved, and treatments are entirely non-invasive. Our laser technicians use custom protocols based on your skin and hair type to ensure optimal treatment.

  • Does the Laser Hurt?

    Laser hair removal is highly tolerable. Our MeDioStar laser features an integrated 360º cooling system and contact cooling for maximum comfort, soothing the skin immediately before each treatment pulse.

  • Are There Any Side Effects?

    Laser hair removal is a safe procedure with minimal side effects. This non-invasive treatment uses light energy to travel safely through the skin without harming surrounding tissue. The most common side effects include temporary redness, itchiness, and skin swelling, which typically subside within a few hours following treatment.

Book Your Free In-Person Consultation

With Laser180's advanced technology and personalized approach, you can say goodbye to unwanted hair and hello to smooth, hair-free skin. Contact us today at 724-691-7370 to schedule your consultation and take the first step towards a more confident you.

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